Permitting/Regulatory Work Group
Purpose: Improve the regulatory permitting processes for meadow restoration in order to increase the pace and scale of restoration to meet the targets of the Sierra Meadows Partnership as well as state and federal agencies
Goal: To streamline permitting and environmental compliance for meadow restoration projects so that meadow restoration can occur at a pace and scale that allows for landscape level change.
1. Provide improved guidance on existing permitting and environmental compliance pathways;
2. Engage permitting agencies to foster support for meadow restoration and to provide technical support;
3. Work to identify and implement opportunities to streamline permitting and environmental compliance processes.
A“Permitting and Compliance Guide Book” and summaries; SMP regulatory advisory group; a set of sample meadow restoration permit documents; a permitting resources document; a permitting challenges and potential solutions white paper; codified CEQA pathway for meadow restoration projects; pilot approach to streamlining NEPA.