Plan Design Work Group
Purpose: To develop comprehensive standards and guides for meadow restoration plan design and implementation of projects.
Goal: To build capacity for implementing effective meadow restoration projects in support of the Sierra Meadows Partnership Strategy. We will do this by developing and educating others to develop ecologically sound process-based designs and implementing meadow restoration projects throughout the region based on the best available science.
Products of this effort will include a peer-reviewed Sierra Nevada meadow restoration planning and implementation guide. The guide will include:
A literature review that summarizes foundational papers and effective measurements of success.
An addendum to the Guidance for Stream Restoration (Yochum 2018) and the Great Basin meadows document edited by Chambers and Miller (2011), among other relevant literature reviewed, that is specific to Sierra Nevada meadows and discusses processes, disturbances, assessments, and restoration techniques
A risk assessment method for weighing the risk of alternative restoration approaches,
Compile a Meadow Restoration Framework for Ecological Design (MRFRED) that provides guidance for the design process and
Pilot the MRFRED tool on a collaborative meadow restoration design project.