The Sierra Meadows Partnership is a group dedicated to Sierra meadow restoration, protection, and conservation, by describing desired meadow conditions and working together to achieve similar goals and objectives, we can increase the pace and scale of restoration efforts.

Long Term Goals
Expanding on the initial formation of the Sierra Meadow Research and Restoration Partnership, in 2015 the Sierra Meadow Partnership (SMP) was formed. Capitalizing on this effort, the goals are to:
Direct and build out the SMP as the leading meadow research and restoration entity throughout the Sierra Nevada;
Affect policy to increase pace and scale of meadow restoration;
Advance meadow restoration protocols and strategies to achieve multi-benefit outcomes including enhanced sequestration of greenhouse gases;
Establish a self-funding mechanism for meadow conservation via the implementation of a meadows carbon credit marketmechanism.
Recent Accomplishments
Completed and implement Sierra Meadow Strategy focused on restoring 30,000 acres of meadows by 2030; View our 2021-2022 project tracking results.
Organized and convened Tahoe 2018 Sierra Meadow Workshop.
Launched two projects as part of the SMP – Osa Meadow Restoration and Pickel Meadow Restoration.
Continue to strengthen the Sierra Meadow Partnership, to advance meadow restoration and focal species recovery efforts that also will result in creating greater ecological resilience to a changing climate;
Leverage resources to more effectively achieve critical meadow restoration priorities by involving a broad consortium of partners representing agencies, NGOs, and the academic community.
Collaborative Projects
Under Development. We have so many projects to share. Visit our partners pages for more information and stay tuned.
Osa Meadow
Restore meadow hydrology, geomorphology, and ecology.
• Increase carbon storage above and below ground;
• Increase groundwater levels and extent of surface water;
• Increase habitat for sensitive meadow species.

Osa Meadow

Osa Meadow

Osa Meadow

Osa Meadow
West Walker River
Restore meadow hydrology, geomorphology, and ecology.
• Increase carbon storage above and below ground;
• Increase groundwater levels and extent of surface water;
• Increase habitat for sensitive meadow species.

West Walker Meadow

Ground Water Well

West Walker Meadow

West Walker Meadow
Childs Meadow
Restore meadow hydrology, geomorphology, and ecology using a classic BACI design.
• Increase carbon storage above and below ground;
• Increase groundwater levels and extent of surface water;
• Increase habitat for sensitive meadow species.

Beaver Dam Analog

Child's Meadow

Beaver Dam Analog

Beaver Dam Analog